Current DOM Annual Report

Associational Missionary Annual Report

September 1, 2017-August 31, 2018

Church Visits   133                                                      Ministry Miles   11,491


Please accept my sincere thanks for the privilege of serving you as your Missionary for these last 20 years. Below is a partial listing of the work using an ABC format.


Associational Children’s Camp: It has been my privilege to serve as Business Manager for ACC for the last 19 years. Currently I serve as the Assistant Director and will become Director in 2020.


Baptist Collegiate Ministries: It is my privilege to supervise the work of our BCM. Here is a partial list of responsibilities of our two BCM Co-Directors.

  1. Initiate all BCM programming
  2. Enable Student Leadership
  3. Meet weekly with every student in your direct area of leadership
  4. Meet weekly with student leadership team
  5. Attend all major student meetings
  6. Be visible on campus.  Spend 5-10 hours a week engaged in the following:
  • Meeting students and their friends
  • Meeting faculty and staff 
  • Modeling sharing Christ
  • Leading a Bible study
  • Supporters:  Develop and maintain good relationships with supporters.
  • Review BCM Ministry Budget income/expenditures monthly with the DOM.
  • Develop relationships with Pastors/Churches in the Association


Coaching: It is my privilege to offer ministry coaching free of charge to SCBAOC Ministers.


Discipler: I enjoy taking new ministers through the following courses I have developed.

  1. Homiletics
  2. Leadership
  3. Pastoral Skills


Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial leadership is a necessity in 21st century Associations. Here are some examples:

Idea-generating leadership scanning for the possibilities to further Kingdom work; asking questions, experimenting with new ideas, discerning what to keep and what to let go of in multiple situations; continuously seeking God’s wisdom and waiting, when necessary, for opportunistic impact.

•          Initiates opportunities - Scans the environment for opportunities; develops appropriate strategies to take advantage of opportunities; secures resources and time for exploring new ideas, asks questions and challenges the status quo, and shares learning from successes and failures across the association.

•          Creates impact – Implements new ideas to create an environment for Kingdom growth; makes major adjustments that create continuous opportunities in an environment of rapid change.

•          Communicates vision - Delivers visionary messages that engage and inspire associational leaders and others to act on Kingdom initiatives.

•          Sustains impact - Positions association-wide resources to mobilize constituents around opportunities that drive sustainable results

Establishing Strategic Direction

Creating a clear picture of the destination for the association; helping others understand how and why things will be different when the destination is achieved, building commitment and inspiring action toward the destination.

•          Creates shared mindset – Through God’s revelation and the confirmation of truth in the hearts of God’s people, the association leader envisions and describes the destination in a way that reflects the future needs of the local church; creates awareness of the current reality, and facilitates action towards closing the gap between the current reality and the destination.

•          Defines a future destination – Creates a clear vision of the future state of the association; describes the destination in a way that reflects future needs, and makes the connection between what he is asking people to do and the activity of God.

•          Engages others - Trusts in the Holy Spirit to convince God’s people of His direction and communicates the importance of organizational beliefs and performance expectations - including boundaries for acceptable behavior, as well as success stories that illustrate God’s continuous work within the association; gains buy-in as he bears witness to what God says and does in and around the association.

•          Inspires action – Conveys the on-going movement of God in a way that moves decision-makers, leadership team members and the association’s community to action; models organization’s beliefs and values through behaviors.

•          Applies broad strategic perspective – Considers and anticipates factors beyond the immediate situation including global context, economic, community, political, social and cultural implications on local church decisions; scans the environment for variables that God may use to impact long-term opportunities.

•          Aligns organization to strategy – Uses the destination as a reference point in conducting day-to-day decisions and activities by helping others see the work of God in the association community through linkages between the destination, strategy, organizational capability and organizational beliefs; reinforces behaviors that are aligned with God’s mission for the association, organization beliefs and expectations.


Achieving Kingdom Results

God is on mission to redeem humanity and He is the only one who knows how to do it. Therefore, under the direction of God’s revelation regarding the mission of the local churches, demonstrate and promote a propensity for speed and action and a mindset that breakthrough results are achievable in His will; assuming accountability for results; expecting ever-increasing levels of success to be reached.

•          Demonstrates passion for winning – Is energized by challenges and persists in overcoming obstacles and/or issues; models unwavering resolve to produce the best sustainable results; takes actions to address an issue or seize an opportunity without prompting.

•          Resources churches to execute mission - Positions the association of churches for achieving higher and higher levels of performance and results; turns threats into opportunities; takes advantage of new opportunities to evangelize and disciple; demonstrates optimism about the possibilities and the strength of the community of churches called together as an association.

•          Sets ever-increasing higher associational standards – Continues to raise expectations for results and performance for self and others; creates a shared understanding of the best path forward to enable collaborative actions; consults with the association membership to focus quickly on high leverage and high impact actions.

•          Models personal accountability – Measures self against ever-increasing high performance standards and delivers breakthrough sustainable results; taking personal responsibility for association-wide outcomes.

Facilitative Leadership


Ability to assist church leadership in fulfilling the mission of the local church through building internal and external networks that provide new opportunities, foster integration and collaboration, and enhance biblically-based decision making; facilitating key relationships across constituents that result in value greater than would have been achieved otherwise.

•          Facilitates decision making – Contributes insights and sound problem solving to association-wide choices; brings critical decisions to the forefront, creates clarity and pushes for conclusions when necessary; provides resources and consulting support to ensure leaders and others share and leverage learnings from both successful and unsuccessful decisions.

•          Shares information – Proactively shares information across the association and with external constituents; integrates own ideas and broader perspectives and creates solutions that provide growth opportunities.

•          Manages multiple, critical relationships – Leads, sustains and leverages relationships and influential coalitions to support and drive long-term results; ensures that teamwork is rewarded across the association, encouraging and helping leaders find ways to increase integration and collaboration that yield greater results.


Facilitator.  It is my privilege to encourage and enable opportunities for the Churches to work together in areas of mutual interest, prayer, and support in Kingdom causes.


Gentle. From time to time, I serve as a conflict resolution specialist for Churches.  This ministry is based on Proverbs 15.1 which says, “A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.” Conflict resolution training for use in SBC Churches is available through several sources, chief among them the OKADOM Association of Directors of Missions (OKADOM).  I am sometimes asked to intervene in Church conflict and must be prepared to lead a Church through this process.


Helps.  I am often called upon to assist Churches in a variety of setting with a variety of questions. Below is a sample of common requests.

  1. Search Committee assistance.  The current DOM has created a resource for Church Search Committees.  The resource is available here:
    2. I am also available to consult with Search Committees at the requested level of involvement.
    3. Additional resources are available here:
  2. Financial/Legal/Tax resourcing to assist Churches in compliance with state/federal regulations.
    1. Tax Seminar information. SCBAOC maintains a significant consulting practice for Churches in this area as well as up to date resources for distribution free to the SCBAOC Churches.
    2. Tax Preparation. SCBAOC employees are not certified tax preparers but regularly assist Churches with 941’s and 1099’s and other form preparations and submissions.
    3. Incorporation and Worker’s Compensation. Churches face significant legal issues if they are not incorporated and/or if they do not have Worker’s Compensation Insurance (required in Oklahoma).  The DOM/Ministry Assistant regularly consult with Churches and assist them to be complaint.


Interim Preacher/Pastor: It is a privilege to serve as supply and/or interim in SCBAOC Churches.


Join a Church. Twenty years ago we received invitations from every Church in the Association. It was hard to pick one. We prayed and chose.


Kingdom work: Occasionally I serve outside SCBAOC with OKADOM and other professional organizations.


Leadership. I am specifically accountable to and under the authority of the SCBAOC Leadership Team and the SCBAOC Executive Board.


Marriage: Denice and I are privileged to operate Heart of Marriage Everlasting Marriage Enrichment Ministry.


Next Leaders. The DOM and Ministry Assistant Treasurer periodically report specific steps they are taking to make things better for their successors.


Oklahoma Association of Directors of Missions (OKADOM). OKADOM was established to provide Fellowship, Information and Training for DOM’s in Oklahoma.  It has been my privilege to serve this organization since inception as the only permanent member of its Executive Committee.

Pre-marital and other non-professional counseling: It is my privilege to be a certified Prepare-Enrich pre-marital counseling facilitator as well as providing training and resources for Pastors/Ministers to assist them in pre-marital counseling.  Additionally I also provide non-professional counseling to Pastors/Ministers in confidential matters.


Quick Response: SCBAOC provides expense reimbursement for my cell phone so I can always stay in touch.


Revival: The Purpose of SCBAOC is to Serve, Strengthen and Start Churches.  This unfolds as Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting.


Spiritual Awakening: I am honored to assist Churches to participate in the 2019 Church and Community Spiritual Awakening Project. SAC Churches in SCBAOC received a letter giving them opportunity to respond.


Technology: It is my privilege to maintain the current level of technical expertise necessary to set up, maintain and upgrade, when necessary, all technological aspects of the equipment at the SCBAOC office as well as maintaining a level of expertise which will enables me to assist all SCBAOC Churches with technology questions.


Updated Training: It is my privilege to consult with the Leadership Team when necessary to schedule all necessary training and conferencing for the Associational Office staff to remain a level of professional expertise in ministry areas. (ACP, Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting, Federal and State regulations regarding the operation of non-profits, etc).


Visiting Churches/Accountability. I truly enjoy maintaining a schedule by which I can visit each Church in SCBAOC at least 3-4 times per year.  I also maintain activity and professional expense accountability reporting to the Leadership Team.


Website. It is my privilege to be responsible to maintain or cause to be maintained a website for the South Canadian Baptist Association of Churches. The URL is


X, Y, Zà Final Thoughts: I was honored to be called on October 28, 1998 at the Annual Meeting of the South Canadian Baptist Association and began serving on January 2, 1999. December 31, 2018 marks the end of my 20th year of service to the Kingdom and to you.




Respectfully submitted


Tim Green, Associational Missionary

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Gal 6:14













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