

We exist to Serve, Strengthen and Start Churches!

Our Core Value is RELATIONSHIP!



Upcoming Events:


March 17th at 6pm at Midway Baptist: Pastor's Cohort.


Minister's Luncheons are on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Noon at El Cazador in Wewoka.




New resource

There is a new resource under "Info Center" entitled Why should my Church be part of an association?"

SCBAOC Mission/Vision

Serve (Evangelism): Looking for and joining the Holy Spirit while/where He is working to bring a lost person to repentance. This often occurs in the midst of precipitating life events but can happen at any time in any place. We must have our spiritual eyes open and be ready engage by joining the Spirit in His work. God wants all persons in all places at all times to be saved (2 Peter 3.9). In our association, we have the privilege of working together as a family of Churches to share Christ.

Strengthen (Discipleship): Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...(Matthew 28.19). Platt says, "Making disciples of Jesus is the overflow of delight in being disciples of Jesus". Whether we do it one on one or in groups or in our Church or among Churches, Discipleship must become more than what we do; it must become who we are.

Start (Church Planting): Give thanks to the Lord that at some point, a group of Christians deemed the Lord leading then to establish YOUR Church. God still works that way. There is no better incubator for Church Planting than a group of supporting/helping/encouraging Churches who deeply desire to see the Kingdom advanced HERE.





Bro Tim teaches three courses for Pastors and Ministers. These courses are taught one on one at a time of your convenience and the cost is FREE. The courses are:

¨ Preaching

¨ Pastoring

¨ Leadership

These are unaccredited courses with a focus on practical application and ministry engagement. Additionally, Bro Tim is a Qualified Ministry Coach and offers Ministry Coaching FREE of charge to Pastors and Ministers in SCBAOC. Please call for more info on any of these opportunities.


  February 2025  
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